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双十一怎样炼成“秒杀帝” 小编为您准备扫货秘籍

How to make a double eleven "Seckill emperor" small make up prepare shopping spree cheats

2014-11-11 08:30:01来源: 大河网

“你抢了吗?”这是否会成网友们今天打招呼的新用语? 在经历了去年“双11”网购的疯狂后,不少姑娘下定决心,今年“双11”再购物剁手!但谁不知道姑娘们个个都是“千手观音”啊! 所以,想买就买吧,再不疯狂就老了!河南商报特意为“剁手族”准备了扫货秘籍,且买且珍惜啊! 河南商报记者...

"you grab you?" The new term will this become netizens say hello today? After last year's "double 11" online shopping crazy, many girls are determined, this year "double 11" shopping chop hand! But who do not know the girls each one is the "thousand hand a Buddism godness Guanyin"! So, buy it if you want to, don't crazy old! Henan Commercial Daily specially for the "chop hand family" to prepare a shopping spree cheats, and buy and treasure ah! Henan Commercial Daily reporters...