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"Pocket" the new rune properties in parsing

2015-12-03 16:01:47来源: 多玩游戏

由热酷发行的拟人化小精灵对战手游《口袋联盟》新版更新后的符文选择直接影响着精灵的属性,影响到战斗的结果,如何选择符文很关键,看看小编给大家的推荐,大家可以酌情参考。 首先符文是镶嵌在装备上的,这里重点强调下:攻速,无视防御,治疗量,暴击伤害这四种属性每一个装备部位都适合,主要看精灵的...

Issued by heat and cool the anthropomorphic elf against mobile game "pocket" the new updated rune choose the property directly affects the elves, affect the battle result, how to choose the rune is the key, look small make up recommend everyone, everyone can take into consideration the reference. First rune is inlaid on the equipment, emphasized here: the attack rate, ignoring the defense, treatment, these four critical strike damage properties parts for each equipment, mainly the elves...