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喜气洋洋贺新春 《天之禁》微信微博送好礼

Be bursting with happiness to greet new year "days couldn" WeChat micro-blog send gifts

2015-02-15 10:36:29来源: 多玩游戏

源远流长的中华文化,孕育出富有中国特色的农历新年。羊年的钟声即将敲响,五方城内喜气洋洋,处处都充满了新年的气息。新年新气象,《天之禁》贺新春,推出了一系列新春活动,无论是游戏内,还是微信微博上,活动都非常丰富哦! 新春伊始,为了回馈玩家,《天之禁》微信微博丰富的活动也已经开启。关注《...

has a long history of Chinese culture, nurtured rich Chinese characteristics of the lunar new year. Sheep year is about to ring the bell, five Fangcheng in be bursting with happiness, everywhere is full of new year's breath. New year, "ban" the Lunar New Year day, launched a series of New Year activities, both within the game, or WeChat micro-blog, activities are very rich oh! At the beginning of spring, in order to serve the game player, "days" ban WeChat micro-blog rich activities have also been opened. Attention "...