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The Tibet summit was a game mechanic auditions ended

2015-04-15 16:11:42来源: IT168

【IT168厂商动态】8名骑手出炉!脑海里闪过的是山芋、红薯新鲜出炉的样子。可不是,美食需要烈火 “烤”验,骑行去西藏,什么人够资格同样也得活动主办方“机械师游戏本”精挑细选。经过近两个周的海选、精选后,4月15日,机械师游戏本方宣布西藏巅峰集结海选结束,并且公布了8名入围骑手名单。 ...

[IT168] 8 riders' dynamic released! Mind is sweet potato, sweet potato, fresh out of the oven. No, Food need fire "roast" test, riding to Tibet, what people qualified to also have the activities of the organizers "mechanic game the" selected. After nearly two weeks of auditions, selection, in April 15th, the Party announced the game mechanic Tibet peak aggregation auditions ended, and announced the 8 finalists in the list. ...

标签: 游戏