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Flowerplus花加全球化战略初见成效 挚爱 · 玫瑰全面升级

Flowerplus flowers and globalization strategy produced results, love a rose, a comprehensive upgrade

2017-08-09 16:33:59来源: DoNews

还记得Flowerplus花加的全球化战略吗?——Flowerplus花加成立“鲜花买手团”,成员遍布全球147个国家和地区采购鲜花。现在,如你所愿,Flowerplus花加全球化战略已初见成效。即日起,Flowerplus花加将对挚爱 · 玫瑰系列进行全面升级。精选全球各大鲜花产地的精品玫瑰品种,从厄瓜多尔、肯尼亚、哥伦比亚等知名玫瑰产地引进,并获得相关出口国的权威认证,确保每一个用户收到的都是A级玫瑰花材。这便是花加首席花艺师遍寻26个国家,走访108个花田给我们带来的惊喜。当升级后的挚爱 · 玫瑰在你手中绽放,娇艳的进口玫瑰、精致的包装细节、馥郁的丝丝清甜,或许使你的心中会泛起一丝遐想:...

Add the globalization strategy of remember Flowerplus cost? - Flowerplus flower set up buyers group "" flowers, members in 147 countries and regions throughout the world. Buying flowers. Now, as you wish, Flowerplus flowers and globalization strategy has paid off. Flowerplus flowers added to this day, love the rose series, a comprehensive upgrade. Selected the world's largest flower origin of fine varieties of roses, rose from Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya and other well-known origin, and obtain the relevant exporter authority certification, to ensure that each user is received A grade material rose. It is the cost plus's chief floral across 26 countries, 108 flower field visits bring us surprise. After the upgrade of love roses bloom in your hands, delicate and charming imports rose, exquisite packaging details filar silk sweet, fragrant, perhaps will make your heart a little daydream:...