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《天铸》最新内容情报 化身为神拯救世界

"Cast" new day content of information as the incarnation of God save the world

2015-01-08 10:44:47来源: 太平洋游戏网

近日,在新的一年到来之际,魔幻网游新作《天铸》的官网公布了一篇全新文章,对游戏中的两个游戏模式(入侵和PVP模式)和全新的热带”Panorama岛屿”进行了介绍。 入侵模式 根据官方的介绍,当玩家在努力解锁其自身固有的神灵模式的过程中,玩家将可以集合起来,一同对抗数量不计其数的遍...

recently, in the New Year approaching, magic online work day "cast" official website announced a new article, on two game modes in the game (invasion and PVP model) and a new tropical "Panorama islands" are introduced. The intrusion pattern according to the official introduction, when the process of game player in an effort to unlock the inherent spirit model, game player will be able to gather together, fight together too many to count the number of times...