新关注 > 信息聚合 > VR新作《天空避难所》 第一视角科幻机甲战斗

VR新作《天空避难所》 第一视角科幻机甲战斗

VR new "sky haven" first-person science mecha battle

2016-03-27 09:35:20来源: 新浪

相信许多玩家对游戏公司Crytek不会陌生,其旗下最为知名的作品莫过于被玩家戏称为“显卡危机”的《孤岛危机》系列了。随着VR的火热,Crytek也搭上这条新产业的航船,此前发布的一款VR游戏《攀登(The Climb)》已经在各大展会上吸引到了众人的目光。而此次Crytek再发新游《天空...

Believe that many players on the game company Crytek not strange, its is the most famous works is the player nicknamed "graphics crisis" crysis series. With VR in The hot, Crytek has boarded The ship of this new industry, The release of a VR games "Climb (Climb)" has been in The exhibition attracted attention at The meeting. While the Crytek again hair XinYou the sky...

标签: VR