新关注 > 信息聚合 > 社交APP生于社交红利 死于信息噪音

社交APP生于社交红利 死于信息噪音

Social app was born in social dividend died of information noise

2015-05-18 16:28:40来源: 亿邦动力网

“生于约炮,发展于炫耀,亡于代购。”一句网络上的流行语,不幸戳中了绝大多数社交网络的宿命。 曾几何时,你还在登陆chinaren,还打理着班级的校友录,还在开心网上愉快地偷菜,还在校内网上偷偷地搜索女同学,还在街旁上炫酷地签到……你是否还记得《新周刊》有整整一期讲的是新浪微博的纪元,一...

"born about guns, development to show off, death in purchasing. A network buzzwords, unfortunately poked in the most social network. Once upon a time, you still landing ChinaRen, also take care of the class of alumni, is happy net happily to steal food, still the net inside school secretly search female students, on the side of the street is still cool sign... Do you still remember the "new weekly" for one period is about Sina micro-blog era, a...

标签: APP 社交