新关注 > 信息聚合 > 乐视推出综合性财经金融信息服务平台“乐视财讯”


Letv to launch comprehensive financial information services platform "Letv finance news"

2017-03-10 09:07:08来源: DoNews

腾讯科技讯 3月10日,贾跃亭通过微信号宣布,乐视推出综合性财经金融信息服务平台“乐视财讯”。贾跃亭称,乐视财讯作为乐视金融的财经信息服务平台,是乐视金融的特色服务。它以财经金融资讯和工具为基础,以财经资讯视频化为特色,发挥乐视智能终端特别是大屏的优势,结合乐视金融交易平台,打造金融信息服务+金融产品交易的闭环。贾跃亭认为,乐视拥有先天的“生态”基因和终端渠道优势。乐视大屏终端已经进入超过1000万家庭,乐视大屏生态拥有千万级可运营高价值用户,超级电视日均开机时长5.7小时,用户58%的时间都是看乐视提供的内容。此外,尼尔森调研报告显示,超级电视拥有大批年轻的高收入用户。乐视财讯将提供专业财经...

Tencent inquiry on March 10, science and technology, through Jia Yueting WeChat ID announced that Letv launched a comprehensive financial information services platform "Letv finance news". Jia Yueting said Letv seec as Letv financial financial information service platform, is characteristic of Letv financial services. It based on the financial information and tools, with financial information video into the characteristic, play Letv intelligent terminal especially big advantage, combining Letv financial trading platform, to build the financial information services + financial products trading closed loop. Letv have innate Jia Yueting argues, "ecological" genes and terminal channel advantages. Letv domestic terminal has entered more than 10 million homes, Letv domestic ecological has never level can run high value users, super TV boot time 5.7 hours a day, 58% of the time users are watching Letv content. In addition, Nielsen survey report shows that the TV has a large number of young high income customers. Letv seec will provide professional financial...