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次世代国风 2019年仙侠大作《天道问情》剧情揭秘

Huai nextgen 2019 XianXia masterpiece "heaven asked to reveal

2018-12-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

ARPG的玩家可以分为两种:看剧情的和不看剧情的。有的玩家可能玩到战力强悍,装备齐全,仍不知道这游戏讲的什么故事;而有的玩家却不会跳过一帧剧情动画,也很愿意仔细感受NPC的每一句台词。 但不管面对怎么样的玩家,剧情还是游戏中很重要的一环。君海新作《天道问情》是一款MMOARPG手游,以仙侠为题材,用次世代画面诠释治愈国风,用细腻的剧情和台词制造代入感。《天道问情》到底讲的怎么样一个故事呢,现在给大家揭秘。 正高高兴兴在外历练,突然收到仙鹤带来的急信:蜀山告急,速回东门。一刻也不敢耽搁的赶回,得知蜀山派世代守护的“龙魂玉”再出世,引来魔族抢夺。师门弟子或受伤,或被魔化,传送阵已被开启,...

ARPG players can be divided into two kinds: look at the plot and the plot. Some players may play to force strong, well-equipped, still do not know this game what story; While some players won't skip a frame animation, plot is also very willing to feel the NPCS each line carefully. But no matter how players, drama is an important part of our game. Jun sea "heaven asked" is a new work MMOARPG mobile game, XianXia as subjects, using next generation image interpretation to cure huai, made of fine lines and plot the sense. What's the heaven asked about how a story, now give you reveal. Is dried out, suddenly received a nasty letter: cranes bring of shushan dries up, back to the east gate. Moment also dare not delay back to that generation of shushan sent guardian "dragon soul jade" born again, inferno plundered. Master disciple or injured, or be darken, transfer matrix has been open,...