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开学季大暴走 《最后一炮》3月福利抢先看

Back-to-school walk march "gun" welfare first

2016-03-04 10:19:16来源: 多玩游戏

开学季到来,中国现代装甲射击网游《最后一炮》喜迎莘莘学子,推出精彩纷呈的装甲活动,只要轻松参与就可以获得丰厚福利,坦克军票海量赠送。更有专属开学礼包、战斗收益加成、三八节特色活动等您前来参与!《最后一炮》全新开学季盛宴,疯狂送现代装甲和海量军票,精彩不容错过! 中国现代装甲射击网游 ...

Back-to-school season, Chinese modern armor shooting game "gun" to greet students, launched armor's spectacular activities, as long as easy to participate in to reap benefits, massive tank army ticket free. More exclusive school bags, combat gains bonus, 38 section characteristic's waiting for you to come to participate in activities! "Gun" new back-to-school feast, crazy modern armor and massive military scrip, wonderful not to be missed! China's modern armor shooting game...