新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪照顾守望先锋玩家 即将允许玩家免费更新战网..

暴雪照顾守望先锋玩家 即将允许玩家免费更新战网..

Blizzard care watch ladder. The vanguard player will allow players to free updates.

2016-05-23 11:02:42来源: 新浪

你可以继续保留现有的战网昵称而无需进行任何动作。想要换个新的?那么即刻登录自己的战网管理界面,点击战网昵称右边的修改链接即可。完成后,你就能够把自己的新名字向好友列表、风暴英雄、炉石传说以及守望先锋中的好友展示啦。 暴雪娱乐战网运营团队: 鉴于下周《守望先锋》即将正式与大家见面,我们...

You can continue to retain the existing ladder nicknames without any action. Want to change a new? So immediate login your ladder management interface, click on the ladder nickname modified link on the right. Completed, you will be able to put his new name to the list of friends, the storm in the hero, the pioneer of legend and BFS, watch friends show. Blizzard entertainment ladder operations team: since the watchman pioneer will formally next week to meet with you, we...