新关注 > 信息聚合 > VGtime游戏角色人气总选举2018 女子C/D组投票贴

VGtime游戏角色人气总选举2018 女子C/D组投票贴

VGtime game characters popular general election 2018 women's C/D group to vote

2018-08-07 18:00:00来源: 游戏时光

在今天的小组赛C/D中,一共有3位来自《女神异闻录5》的角色参战,她们的表现令人期待。另外也有两位从复活赛中杀出的选手,她们有没有机会更进一步呢? 投票规则■ 所有游戏时光注册用户,均可在每组投票中选择最多2名角色■ 新用户在注册满12小时后方可使用投票功能■ 本场投票时间为 8月7日18:00 ~ 8月8日23:59※ 关于本次赛事的赛制、角色参选标准、完整入围名单,请点击此处查看。※ 如第2名出现平票情况,游戏时光网站得票多者胜出。如再遇网站平票,将在战报中进行一轮加赛。※ 同时进行的还有男子小组赛C/D组投票,请点击此处前往。※ 从小组赛阶段开始,我们会增加微博投票,你可以点击这里前往...

In group C/D today, a total of three from the role of the goddess YiWen recorded five war, their performance is anticipated. But there are also two from repechage industry players, they have a chance to go further? Voting rules s all game time registered users, all can choose up to two roles in the voting in each group s new users to register for full 12 hours rear can use voting function s for the vote on August 7, 18:00 ~ August 8 23:59 does about the format of the tournament, role for standard and complete shortlist, please click here to view. Does a flat ticket situation arises, such as second game time website bulls win votes. Such as flat ticket again meet web site, will take place in the grand round playoff game. Does simultaneously and man group C/D group vote, please click here to go. Does begin from the group stage, we will increase the weibo to vote, you can click here to...

标签: 游戏