新关注 > 信息聚合 > LCK春季赛Thal塞恩发挥出色 助力HLE拿下开门红

LCK春季赛Thal塞恩发挥出色 助力HLE拿下开门红

LCK spring "Thal thain good power HLE the win

2019-01-18 00:00:00来源: 人民网

【Game 1】 【BanPick】 比赛开始,KT凭借中上英雄摇摆,利用中野的英雄属性优势打出线权,控下第一条风龙; 11分钟,酒桶跟随上路前推兵线进入前草丛,蹲到了瑞兹配合加里奥拿下一血;13分钟,加里奥推线后入侵野区果断闪现控制,帮助厄加特拿下扎克人头; 15分钟,HLE全技能开KT下路双人组,虽然秒掉塔姆,但KT加里奥配合酒桶厄加特进场在狭窄地形完成反打,塞恩缺少魔抗吃不住伤害,KT追击完成1换3; 17分钟,酒桶故技重施蹲到下路前草丛,配合先支援的厄加特击杀布隆,利用先锋推掉下一塔,随后KT回撤控下土龙;僵持阶段,KT推进找到机会推掉中一塔,打残扎克,收下第二条土龙...

【 BanPick Game 1 】 【 】 the match began, and KT with upper hero swing, take advantage of nakano hero properties play an encore, charged with the first a wind dragon; 11 minutes, the barrel follow push pawn line into before the grass on the road, the squat down to the ritz with Mr Gary had a blood; 13 minutes, Gary, push the line after the invasion of wild area decisive flash control, for eritrea, zack head; 15 minutes, duo HLE the skills of KT road, while the second drop tam, but with barrels of KT Gary the eritrea to complete the play, play in the narrow terrain, thain lack't damage, spell resistances KT pursuit of 1 in 3; 17 minutes, barrel similar squat down to the front of the road under the bushes, with support of eritrea, first struck bloomberg, using pioneer put off next tower, then KT retracement control soils dragon; Deadlock, KT propulsion find opportunity to push off a tower, a residual zack, the first two earth dragon...