新关注 > 信息聚合 > 可喜可贺:DOTA2全球玩家人数突破1000万


Gratifying: DOTA2 global game player number exceeded 10000000

2015-01-19 11:37:37来源: 太平洋游戏网

DOTA2玩家人数突破1000万:外媒报道据最新数据统计,Dota 2全球玩家人数已经突破1000万,确切的数字为10,313,855,使其成为了全球最具人气的游戏之一。当然它仍旧无法击败英雄联盟,不过从现在取得的成绩来看,DOTA2无疑算是成功的。 不少厂商在过去的2014年中收获...

DOTA2 game player number exceeded 10000000: foreign media reports according to the latest statistics, Dota 2 global game player number has exceeded 10000000, the exact number is 10313855, make it become one of the most popular global game. Of course, it is still unable to defeat the hero alliance, but from the existing achievements, no doubt is the success of the DOTA2. Many manufacturers in the past in 2014 harvest...

标签: 玩家 DOTA