新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东好评破98% 魅蓝E2到底藏了什么毒

京东好评破98% 魅蓝E2到底藏了什么毒

Jingdong praise what lies at the break point 98% blue E2 poison

2017-05-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在4月29日,魅蓝E2开启了首销,而且首销场面相当火爆,魅蓝E2次日线上渠道首次售罄,由此可见魅友们对魅族新品的喜爱与支持。而且,除了销售火爆以外,用户对它的评价也是不容小觑,可谓是好评爆表,在短短的五日内,魅蓝E2在京东的好评已经破98%。 那么魅蓝 E2究竟里面藏着什么毒,让大众如此着迷?让我们一起来看看。 这位买家可谓是魅族的资心魅粉,用魅族用了足足5年,足以看出他对魅族的情深。从他的评价中可以知道,魅蓝E2可谓是让他惊艳了一把,不仅是因为颜值上的提升,还对魅蓝 E2背部设计有不少的肯定。 确实,从魅蓝E2正面看,还是一张熟悉的家族脸,但是魅蓝E2的背部却采用了全新的...

On April 29, spirit's blue E2 opens the first pin, and the first pin condition quite popular, spirit's blue E2 on-line channel sold out for the first time the next day, so the meiyou for meizu new love and support. And, in addition to sales, the user evaluation of it is to be reckoned with, was well received table, in just five days, the spirit's blue E2 has broken 98% in jingdong's high praise. So what hidden inside spirit's blue E2 poison, made public so mad? Let's take a look at. The buyer is the capital of meizu heart spirit's powder using meizu for 5 years, enough to see his deep of meizu. Can know from his evaluation, spirit's blue E2 is amaze, let him not only because the level of ascension in appearance, also for many positive spirit's blue E2 back design. Indeed, from the spirit's blue E2 positive, or the family of a familiar face, but the charm of blue E2 back has adopted a new...

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