新关注 > 信息聚合 > 疯狂的子弹测评 主打副本体验 但槽点较多

疯狂的子弹测评 主打副本体验 但槽点较多

Crazy bullet evaluation main copy experience but trough point more

2015-02-06 16:46:29来源: 太平洋游戏网


"crazy bullets" is a by 4399 R & D third person shooter game, with good shooting as a selling point, let the game player experience more free shooting game. The performance can be said to be mixed, good is the game on the copy of the play is very rich and very characteristics, while the bad is the whole routine changes compared to the current Webpage games without too much, is still the same pattern as the play. And in addition, the in painting...