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虎牙直播圣枪哥carry全场 与董导搭档“贪吃蛇”

Huya live saber brother carried this game and Dong guide partner "snake"

2015-09-10 14:13:27来源: 电玩巴士

前日,虎牙直播迎来了一位重量级选手,国服最年轻王者Snake圣枪哥。他和虎牙人气主播董小飒双排carry全场,这对黄金搭档被粉丝戏称为“贪吃蛇”。直播结束还有神秘小哥Snake经理现身直播间,宣布Snake战队将会有更多成员现身虎牙直播。更多精彩,请继续关注虎牙直播! Snake圣枪哥...

yesterday, tiger tooth broadcast ushered in a heavyweight, the national dress of the young king snake saber brother. He and tiger anchor Dong Xiaosa carry the popular double row, the gold partner by fans dubbed the "snake". The end of the broadcast and the mysterious little brother Snake manager appeared live, announced that the Snake team will have more members appeared tiger live. More exciting, please continue to pay attention to Snake longiculnis brother live tiger...

标签: 直播 虎牙