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Standing stars starting point "Jiuxing Tianchen tactic" shocked beta

2015-03-15 04:39:29来源: 新浪

2015年3月13日11时起点游戏平台第一人气玄幻小说游戏《九星天辰诀》震撼公测!起点大神级作家发飙的蜗牛同名小说改编,重现原味剧情,首创实时动态天气系统,全屏技能华丽炫目,高投入、强研发、大手笔的年度精品大作正在呈现>>> 起点《九星天辰诀》今日公测! 【天赋异禀 四大职业各有故事...

2015 year in March 13th 11 point game platform game first popular fantasy novel "Jiuxing Tianchen Jue" shocked beta! The starting point God class writer energy-saving novel of the same name, to reproduce the original story, the first real-time dynamic weather system, full screen skills gorgeous, high investment, strong R & D, big annual masterpieces are rendering > > > starting point "Jiuxing Tianchen Jue" beta today! [gifted four occupation of each story...