新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你还用传统方式发红包?out啦!快来看看潮人怎么玩


You also use traditional way to send a red envelope? The out! Come see tide people how to play

2018-02-09 00:00:00来源: 人民网

说起红包,我们都不陌生。从最初的实体红包到现在越来越多人使用的微信电子红包,这一大转变使得我们的生活方式更加便捷。小小红包,贵重的是情谊。那么,重点来了!你还在用传统的方式发红包吗?你out啦!!! 最新的市场调查发现,有一批红包界的“新秀”迅速发展并占领很大份额的市场。它们是一些微信小程序,它们的出现完全改变了我们传统模式的收发红包形式:内容更新颖、模式更独特、操作更便捷。 偷偷地告诉你一个在这些“新秀”中脱颖而出的全民都在玩的微信小程序---“全民答”。这一款小程序设计的别具一格、独出心裁,它极大地提高了发红包和领红包的乐趣性。我在玩这个小程序的时候发现,它就是在传递出这样一个信...

Speaking of a red envelope, we are not strange. From the original entity envelopes to more and more people are now using the micro electronic letter envelopes, this shift makes our way of life more convenient. The small red envelopes, is precious friendship. So, the key is coming! Are you still use the traditional way out? You out!!!!!! New market survey found that there is a group of red envelope "rookie" of rapid development and occupy a large share of the market. They are some small application letter, they appear completely changed the traditional mode and receive red envelopes filled form: our content more unique novelty, mode, operation more convenient. Secretly tell you a stand out in the "rookie" universal playing WeChat small program - "the answer". This small program design of having a unique style, could usefully, it greatly improves the hair and get filled the pleasure of sex. When I was playing with this small program, found that it is sent such a letter...