新关注 > 信息聚合 > 机甲对抗的快感爆棚 专访VR对战游戏RIGS

机甲对抗的快感爆棚 专访VR对战游戏RIGS

Combat mecha pleasure bursting interview VR game RIGS

2015-09-20 13:16:39来源: 17173

今年的东京电玩展,虚拟现实技术(VR)已经成为非常重要的一部分,而其中Playstation VR也提供了全场最丰富的试玩体验。这其中有一款名为《RIGS》的3V3对战游戏,玩家可以在游戏中驾驶机甲与对手展开对抗。借由Playstation VR头戴设备,玩家仿佛真的置身与机甲之中,操作...

this year's Tokyo Game Show, virtual reality (VR) technology has become very important part of, which Playstation VR also provides the audience the most abundant demo experience. This one has a "RIGS 3V3" game, game player in the game can be driving mech with rivals fight. By Playstation VR headset, game player as if real exposure and armor, operation...

标签: 游戏 VR