新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《功夫少林》送福利 真人COS大戏激情上演!

《功夫少林》送福利 真人COS大戏激情上演!

"Shaolin Kung Fu" send welfare live COS drama staged passion!

2015-10-22 18:24:07来源: 不凡游戏网

备受关注的少林正版授权3D硬派动作手游《功夫少林》即将在10月29日全平台火热上线!近日,官方除了为我们公布了该作的首支游戏预告宣传片和一组真人主题海报外,还为大家奉上了福利满满的“真人秀”!本次公开的COS写真及宣传视频中,所有人物命运都以七言主题诗句揭示,马上就来看看吧! 少林预约...

much attention Shaolin genuine authorized on-line 3D hardcore moves in the travel "Shaolin Kung Fu" will soon in October 29, the whole platform hot! Recently, the official in addition to as we announced the debut Game Trailer Trailer and a group of reality theme posters, we offer full benefits "reality show"! The open COS photo and video, all the characters are in the fate of the seven words to reveal the theme of the poem, come and see! Shaolin reservation...