新关注 > 信息聚合 > 约斗熊猫女神团 《小小三国志》IOS正式版正式上线

约斗熊猫女神团 《小小三国志》IOS正式版正式上线

About panda group "small bucket goddess of the Three Kingdoms" IOS official version officially launched

2015-03-25 18:19:22来源: 4399

《小小三国志》越狱版于3月19日正式上线,引发了大量游戏媒体的关注。3月26日,该款游戏的IOS正式版将强势登场!据悉,在当日会有七位化身为诸葛熊猫女神COS团女神,24小时轮流在线,等你七进七出来决斗! ▍熊猫女神COS团 最性感的熊猫 从曝光的的宣传画来看,COS团中共有七位诸葛...

"Three Kingdoms" small jailbreak version officially launched in March 19th, has caused a large amount of game media attention. In March 26th, the game IOS official version will come out strong! It is reported, in that day there will be seven as the incarnation of Goddess goddess Zhuge panda COS group, 24 hours by online, so you seven into seven out duel! Man the most sexy goddess COS group panda panda from the exposure of the poster, COS group a total of seven Zhuge...

标签: iOS