新关注 > 信息聚合 > 语录:不吸金的游戏就没有活下去的意义?


Quotations: no aspiration of the game has no significance live?

2015-01-19 03:36:38来源: 17173

舌尖上的……门道#你看对了吗# “配给选手的电脑硬件平均半个月就会报废,非比赛日每天8到10个小时的训练,频繁的队内战术例会,选手的生活几乎不出这300平方米。”[原文] ——如今,电子竞技进入越来越广泛的公众视野,但在其光鲜的外表现下,是大部分电竞选手的艰辛生活。 “实际上主机...

on the tip of the tongue...... The doorway # you see on the right # "rationing player computer hardware average will be half a month scrapped, 8 to 10 hours of non match of the day every day in training, team tactics frequent meetings, player life almost out of this 300 square meters." [sic] -- now, E-sports into more and more extensive public view, but in its bright outside, most game players the hardship of life. "In fact, the host...

标签: 游戏