新关注 > 信息聚合 > 岛国偷拍女生内裤的变态游戏有个超长的名字


Island of our girls underwear metamorphosis of the game has a long name

2015-05-15 13:45:48来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】超级版、极版、年度游戏、重置版,游戏的名字翻来覆去,实际游戏内容根本没有标题那么激动人心。反正名字好听就好了。 之前在某网站看到一款PS4游戏,如果人家游戏内容做得不是最好,但至少在名称上绝对是数一数二的。也是我在电子游戏名字历史上看到的最常名字,因为这游戏的全称...

[techweb reported] super version, version, game of the year, reset version, the name of the game to toss and turn, the actual game content no title so exciting. It was a good name. Before a web site to see a PS4 game, if people game content is not the best, but at least in the name is absolutely one of the highest. I also see in the video game name in the history of most common name, because this game...

标签: 游戏