新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海南年货展开展首日迎客3.8万人次 市民逛吃打年..

海南年货展开展首日迎客3.8万人次 市民逛吃打年..

Hainan carry out the first day of New Year exhibition welcoming 38,000 people visiting the food fight in public ..

2016-01-28 21:36:33来源: 南海网

第三届海南年货展在海口世纪公园盛大启幕。(南海网记者马伟元 摄) 南海网海口1月28日消息(南海网记者陈丽娜 实习生庄晓珊)1月28日上午,第三届海南年货展在海口世纪公园盛大启幕。该展会吸引30...

Third Year exhibition in Haikou, Hainan Century Park grand curtain. (South China Sea Network reporter Ma Wei Yuan Chang) South China Sea Network Haikou January 28 news (South China Sea Network reporter intern Lina Chen Zhuang Xiaoshan) January 28 morning, the third exhibition in Haikou, Hainan New Year Century Park grand curtain. The exhibition attracted 30 ...