新关注 > 信息聚合 > 系统虽全却缺乏特色《诛侯》评测


Although all but the lack of system characteristics "Zhu Hou" evaluation

2015-01-09 19:19:52来源: 新浪

诛侯CGWR 得分 CGWR: 位 CGWR介绍 初进游戏的时候给人的感觉是整体色调明亮,环境饱含古风气息,不过仔细观察会发现背景贴图明显,人物拉近视角之后会有明显的模糊感,战斗中的光影效果也能看出比较明显的贴图质量不足。游戏音乐同样是古风乐曲,但总体很难给人留下印象,战斗时的音...

Zhu Hou CGWR score of CGWR: bit CGWR introduced early into the game to give people a sense of the overall color bright, the environment contains archaic flavor, but careful observation will find background obviously, after the characters closer perspective has obvious fuzzy sense, battle of effects of light and shadow can see obvious texture quality problems. The game music is also the ancient music, but in general it is difficult to impress people, fighting tone...