新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冲顶大会题库上线!撒币百万悟空问答等你刷


Summit conference question bank online! COINS millions of wu empty quiz after you brush

2018-01-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

新年伊始,随着国民老公王思聪的一条微博,一款全民皆可参加、答对即可分钱的直播竞答游戏《冲顶大会》横空出世,同时其他直播类产品纷纷跟进撒币, 这股撒币热也是让2018有了浓厚的年气。截至1月10日,“百万英雄”的主战场——西瓜视频已成功登顶App Store,在线人数场场超过百万。“冲顶大会”亦是冲入TOP5。 在线答题游戏的爆红,也迅速带火了一批题库的诞生,冲顶大会题库自然不甘落后!网上一款叫“悟空问答”的APP,就迅速上线了专门频道,一方面为玩 家提供最靠谱的刷题知识库,另一方面开辟玩家交流与讨论的空间,并以最火爆的答题游戏“百万英雄”为频道命名。据了解,在悟空问答“百万英雄”频道中...

At the beginning of the New Year, as the national husband sicong a tweet, a universal can participate in, right to live penny correct game "summit conference" was born, live at the same time, other products followed suit and COINS, hot also is to let the sa currency 2018 has great gas. By January 10th, "million hero" main battlefield - watermelon video has successfully climb the App Store, the number of online games more than million. "Race" is also into TOP5. Online games, also rapid fire the birth of a batch of question bank, header assembly question bank natural unwilling to lag behind! An online APP called "the wu is empty question and answer", quickly launched a special channel, on the one hand provide play house with the brush of knowledge base, on the other hand open space players exchange and discussion, and in one of the most popular answer game hero "million" as the channel name. It is understood that in the wu is empty quiz "million hero" channel...