新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日媒票选“最帅游戏男性角色”,最终幻想系列包..


Japanese media vote for "the most handsome male role" game, the final fantasy series bag..

2016-10-04 14:47:04来源: 178游戏网

游戏中很多登场的男性角色都十分的有型,从少年到大叔能满足各种口味。最近,日媒niconico票选了游戏中最帅的男性角色TOP 5,《最终幻想》系列包揽前三名。 1、克劳德·斯特莱夫《最终幻想7》 2、斯考尔 莱昂哈特《最终幻想8》 3、萨菲罗斯《最终幻想7》 4、健次郎《北斗神拳...

Male player in the game a lot is very stylish, uncle from juvenile to can meet a variety of flavors. Recently, Japanese media niconico voted the most handsome male characters in the game's TOP five, "final fantasy" series won the TOP three. 1, Claude, ruffle final fantasy 7 '2, Calder leonhardt final fantasy 8' 3, sephiroth kojiro final fantasy 7. 4, the healthy fist of the north...

标签: 游戏 最终幻想