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Brilliant "Fantasy Westward Journey 2" 106 combined service war aspect

2015-05-17 10:21:58来源: 新浪

梦幻西游2 CGWR 得分 CGWR:37 位 CGWR介绍 《梦幻西游2》106联服战来袭,网易CC为你在服战前网罗最新信息,让你周末两天来CC看个痛快。上一联中,魔王稳坐法系霸主地位,而女儿村,敏天宫,五庄观等封系门派也依托经脉调整,强势崛起。新的门派格局让大家眼前一亮的同时...

Fantasy Westward Journey 2 cgwr score CGWR:37 bit cgwr "Fantasy Westward Journey 2" 106 combined service war struck, Netease CC for you the latest information on changes in the service before the war net, let your weekend two days to CC look happy. A Lian, Lord sit tight in the law supremacy, and the daughter of the village, sensitive temple, five Chuang views and seal of the Department of martial also rely on adjust the meridians, strong rise. The new martial pattern to let everyone shines at the same time...

标签: 梦幻西游