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When I saw the originator of Desert Bus

2019-04-25 17:56:03来源: 触乐

史上最烂的游戏是什么?这个问题的答案见仁见智,有人可能会说是雅达利的《E.T.外星人》,有人会说是PC上的《大卡车极速竞赛》,有人会说是《死亡火枪》,还有人会说的就是我们今天的主角——《沙漠巴士》。■ 无聊至极的游戏如果有人不知道的话,在这里先讲一讲:在《沙漠巴士》这个游戏里,玩家扮演一名巴士司机,从美国亚利桑那州的图森市一路开到内华达州的拉斯维加斯。从地图上看,这是一条600多公里长的旅行,基本上是一条直线游戏里,这条线路被简化成了一条大约580公里的直线,而玩家的巴士最高时速也只有72公里,也就是说,玩家要开8个小时才能到达目的地。更为过分的是,巴士里没有任何乘客(...

What's the worst game in history? The answer to this question varies from person to person. Some people may say "E.T. Aliens" by Adali, others will say "Big Truck Speed Race" on PC, others will say "Death Gun", and others will say our protagonist today - mdash; & mdash; Desert Bus. If no one knows about it, let's start with: In Desert Bus, players play a bus driver, driving all the way from Tucson, Arizona, to Las Vegas, Nevada. From the map, this is a 600-kilometer-long journey, basically a straight-line game, which is simplified into a straight line of about 580 kilometers, and the player's bus speed is only 72 kilometers per hour, that is to say, it takes eight hours for the player to reach his destination. What's more, there are no passengers in the bus.