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《王者荣耀》线下赛武汉站 比赛模式“边境突围”

"King glory" offline "wuhan station game mode" border breakthrough"

2018-08-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王者荣耀线下突围空降武汉!兄弟们,冲呀! 8月11日,王者荣耀线下突围大作战活动将在江夏区万豪世纪天街进行。新版本的“边境突围”模式该由100名召唤师参与,召唤师们可以单人或者组队,在约150个王者峡谷地图大小的全新战场上进行相互对抗。 召唤师们操作着自己选择的英雄,跟随着沙尘暴的移动,在不断变化的战斗区域中进行打怪、升级,拾取技能/装备进行对抗。 最终击败藏匿在沙尘暴中心的湮灭之眼BOSS的召唤师与他的队伍则为获胜方! 活动现场更有coser小姐姐的热情舞蹈表演,摇一摇,听音辩英雄等多个互动环节。 Coser小姐姐陪你组队嗨翻天 我要和乔妹开黑! 楚河汉界,红蓝对...

King glory offline break airborne wuhan! Brothers, blunt! On August 11, king glory offline to break big operational activities will be at marriott century Yin jiangxia district. The new version of the "border breakthrough" model that consists of 100 summoners, summoners can be single or group, in about 150 the size of a new battlefield of Kings canyon map for mutual confrontation. Summoners operation to choose their own hero, and with the moving of the sandstorm, changing of the battle areas play blame, upgrade, pick up skills/equipment. Finally defeated the hidden in the center of the sandstorm annihilate the call of the eyes of the BOSS and his team is the winner! The enthusiasm of the event more coser little sister dance performances, shake, multiple interactive links such as listening to contend hero. A team proud hi Coser little sister with you I want to leave and Qiao Mei black! Eurabia, red, blue...

标签: 王者荣耀