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《战意》评测:呈现真实战场 实现你的将军梦

"Fighting spirit" review: present the real battlefield general realize your dream

2018-06-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

网易游戏“不鸣工作室”历时7年倾力打造的3D策略战争网游《战意》于近日开启了不删档测试。如今市面上关于战争题材的游戏作品层出不穷,但能够真正让玩家体验到作为将军统帅兵团驰骋沙场的豪情壮志的并不多,而《战意》就是为数不多中的一款。游戏结合了动作、即时战术、多人对战等多种元素,给玩家带来了一个真实壮烈的战争世界。 【自定义捏脸 多种职业各具特色】 游戏一开始需要玩家选择出生地,也就是阵营。与前几次测试不同,本次不删档所呈现的世界不仅限于中国的明朝,还有中部地区与西部地区,每个地区都有其代表性的职业和兵种,不过目前游戏内也只开放了一部分的地区和职业,想要体验全职业可能还需要等等。 自...

Netease game "no sound studio" pour seven years to build 3 d strategy war game "fighting spirit" in the recently opened don't delete file test. Now on the market of war game works emerge in endlessly, but can be used as the general commander in chief for players to experience the real corps battlefield's ambition is not much, and the fighting spirit is one of the few. Game is a combination of movements, real-time tactics, a variety of elements, such as multiplayer gives players a real heroic war of the world. [custom pinched face a variety of professional 】 distinctive games require players to choose birthplace at the beginning, is the camp. Differs from the previous test, this does not delete files in the world is not limited to the Ming dynasty in China, and central and western regions, each region has its typical career and > > >, but now the game is open only part of the region and profession, want to experience the full professional may also need to, and so on. Since the...