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贺翻翻动漫武汉公司两岁生日 新品牌羽番文化启动

Two birthday, flip anime wuhan company Launch new brand feather's culture

2018-06-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年5月30日,凉凉徐风吹散了初夏的燥热,翻翻动漫武汉公司全体员工齐聚一堂,共同庆祝这激动人心的时刻——翻翻动漫武汉公司成立两周年暨“羽番文化”品牌启动庆典! 翻翻动漫武汉公司集体合影 翻翻动漫武汉公司是翻翻动漫集团在中部地区的一个战略布局,自2016年5月23日成立以来,武汉公司创作部一直致力于原创漫画的孵化和优秀作品的IP衍生,培养出了LANNI、京见、安德烈等一系列优秀漫画家,其中LANNI作品《死囚直播》在腾讯动漫上人气高达9亿,收藏突破68万;京见代表作《救命,这个猫统治的世界》达成百万级授权,安德烈代表作《我家妹妹虐起来很爽》在多家漫画平台上收获超高人气。 《...

On May 30, 2018, cool xu, blew away the summer heat, double animation wuhan company all staff gathered to celebrate this exciting moment, flip anime wuhan company was founded two years and "feather's culture" brand launch celebration! Pace animation group photo flip anime wuhan wuhan company company is high a cartoon group in the central region strategy layout, since its inception on May 23, 2016, wuhan company creative department is devoted to the incubation of the original comic and outstanding works of IP derivatives, cultivate the LANNI, Beijing see, Andre and a series of outstanding cartoonist, including LANNI works "live" on the tencent anime popularity is as high as 900 million, collect 680000; Beijing see masterpiece "help, this cat rule the world" grade millions of authorization, Andre masterpiece "abuse my sister up great gains popularity in many comic platform. "...