新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀第四届高校联赛北京站完美落幕


The Royal glory of the fourth session of the University of the Beijing Railway Station

2017-12-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

恰王者少年,为校而战!令北京学子焦点关注、令广大王者召唤师热血沸腾的第四届王者荣耀高校联赛北京地区公开海选赛在“北京交通大学体育馆”正式打响,现场战况激烈焦灼,最终来自“北京联合大学”的“BNG战队”以绝佳的表现摘得桂冠,首次登上冠军宝座,而老牌强队“北京交通大学”战略失误而屈居第三,第二则由新晋势力“北京信息科技大学”的“THD战队”夺走,随着冠亚季军的产生,为整个赛事划下园满的句号。 绿叶转黄,枫叶变红,深秋的天空里,团团的白云像弹好的棉花,慢慢的漂浮着,在北京,这样的天空可不多见,这也是不是预示着这一天的不平凡?11月26日早,一大波王者召唤师队伍出现在北京交通大学体...

The king is young, fighting for the school! The focus of the majority of students in Beijing, the fourth King Summoner with the glory of the king of Beijing Public University League election race officially started in the gymnasium of Beijing Jiaotong University, fierce fighting scene anxious, and ultimately from the "Beijing Union University" and "BNG war" team with excellent performance won the title, won the title for the first time, and a veteran team "Beijing Jiaotong University" strategic mistakes and finished third, second by the new forces of "Beijing Information Science and Technology University" and "THD team" away, with the winners of the event, marking the end of the garden. The green leaves turn yellow and the maple leaves turn red. In the autumn sky, clouds and clouds are floating slowly. In Beijing, such a sky is rare. Is this also a sign of the extraordinary day? Early in November 26th, a great wave of King Summoner team appeared in the body of Beijing Jiaotong University.

标签: 王者荣耀