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微软Xbox One游戏订阅服务上线 月费9.99美元

Microsoft Xbox One game subscription service launched the monthly fee of $9.99

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

6月2日消息,目前,微软Xbox One游戏订阅服务“Xbox Game Pass”已经正式上线,玩家在Windows 10 Xbox应用更新后便可以享受到这个服务。目前加入Xbox Game Pass可享受14日的免费试用期。 上月,微软方面宣布将推出这项服务,比起索尼和英伟达来说,微软似乎入局的时间有点晚了,但这并不妨碍Xbox用户的接受程度。 微软的Xbox Game Pass服务可以实现离线访问,玩家在体验经典游戏之时,不用过多的考虑宽带连接等一系列问题。目前,这个服务的月租费用为9.9美元,微软旗下包括《光环5》、《NBA 2K16》等经典游戏均可提供玩家体验。除此以外,用...

San June 2nd news, at present, Microsoft Xbox One game subscription service "Xbox Game Pass" has been formally launched, players in the Windows 10 Xbox application updates, you can enjoy this service. Currently joining the Xbox Game Pass, you can enjoy a free trial period of 14 days. Last month, Microsoft announced the launch of this service, compared to SONY and NVIDIA, Microsoft seems to be in office some time later, but this does not preclude the acceptance of the Xbox user. Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass service allows offline access, while players experience classic games without having to worry about a wide range of issues such as broadband connectivity. At present, the monthly rental fee of this service is $9.9, and Microsoft's classic games, including halo 5 and NBA 2K16, can provide player experience. In addition, the use of...

标签: 游戏 微软 Xbox