新关注 > 信息聚合 > 极光大数据发布2017年4月垂直漫画app行业报告


Aurora big data released in April 2017 vertical cartoon app industry report

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

二次元越来越盛行,移动设备已经成为动漫爱好者的主要阅读入口。截至2017年4月,垂直漫画app市场渗透率高达5.9%,用户规模约5322.9万。垂直动漫领域已经形成了快看漫画与腾讯动漫两强争霸的局面。极光大数据发布《读图时代的移动应用观察——2017年4月垂直漫画app行业报告》,从多个层面详细解读垂直动漫行业现状。 以下是报告节选,完整报告请至极光官网或关注极光微信公众号下载。 极光观点: 1.快看漫画渗透率2.76%,居垂直漫画行业榜首;腾讯动漫以1.79%的渗透率居于次席;二者是垂直漫画app行业的第一集团 2.腾讯动漫日均新增用户量超过20万,快看漫画以17.2万的数据紧随其...

Two yuan more and more popular, mobile devices have become the main reading of anime fans entrance. As of April 2017, vertical cartoon app market penetration is as high as 5.9%, size of about 53.229 million users. Vertical cartoon industry has already formed the quick read comic and animation of tencent the cauldron of the situation. Aurora big data released the reading pictures from magazine or mobile application to observe - in April 2017 vertical cartoon app industry report, detailed analysis from the multiple level vertical animation industry status quo. The following is a report from, please complete report to the aurora's website or pay attention to the aurora WeChat public download. Aurora view: 1. Quick read comic permeability by 2.76%, the vertical cartoon industry; Tencent anime ranks second with 1.79% of the permeability; App is both vertical comics industry the first group of 2. Tencent anime daily more than 200000 new users, read comic to 172000 data followed by fast...

标签: APP 大数据