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又是炮火连天 《龙武2》告白节新服同步开启

And fire even "Long Wu 2" confessions section new suit open simultaneously

2017-05-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

明天就是5.20网络情人节,又称花式虐狗节!在这一天朋友圈各种领证秀恩爱,酒店爆满炮火连天,单身狗则一片哀嚎。然而许多人却忽略了520又叫告白节,在这天把握好机会你可能就脱单了!唯美仙侠网游《龙武2》,520告白节特制活动来袭,新服【天长】【地久】同步开启,让虐狗节变成你的情人节。 开服名称:【天长】【地久】 开服时间:5月19日14时 【520告白节 示爱新方式】 英雄不问出处,告白不限男女!在传统的观念上,都是男生告白女生,但在恋爱自由的时代,女生壁咚男生才更让人惊艳。此次520告白节活动,男女生都可以上传照片参与活动,玩家都可以为心仪的Ta点赞送花,还可以留言告白。上一届520...

Tomorrow is 5.20 network valentine's day, also called fancy abuse the dog day! Circle of friends on that day all kinds of license of affection, hotel full artillery, single dogs a whine. However, many people ignore the section 520 and confessions, grasp the good opportunity on this day you may take off a single! Aestheticism XianXia online game "Long Wu 2", 520 confessions festival special activities, new clothing [last] [permanent] synchronous open, abuse section into your valentine's day. Open service name: [last] [permanent] open take time: 14 on May 19, when the new way 】 【 section 520 confessions love heroes do not ask the source, confessions no men and women! In the traditional conception, are all boys confession girls, but in the age of the love of freedom, girls wall dong boys more are amazing. The 520 confessions festival, can upload photos to participate in activities, both men and women players can be the right one for the Ta thumb up flowers, also can leave a message. The previous 520...