新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华师大博士辅导员8年3200封“家书” 架起家校“..

华师大博士辅导员8年3200封“家书” 架起家校“..

China Normal University Counselor for 8 years, the 3200 "letter" a "home school.

2016-03-14 18:17:45来源: 荆楚网

荆楚网讯 记者余梅 通讯员王小占 从1998年踏入华中师范大学求学,到2008年博士毕业,在10年的时光里,她深深的爱上了华中师范大学这所美丽的校园。毕业后,她没有选择做专业研究,也没有选择高薪...

Jingchu net news reporter Yu Mei correspondent Wang Xiaozhan from 1998, the entered central China Normal University School, graduation in 2008 Dr., in 10 years time, she deeply fell in love with central China Normal University in this beautiful campus. After graduation, she did not choose to do professional research, there is no choice of high salary...