新关注 > 信息聚合 > 烧钱还是脑残 每小时80元的天价网咖你会去吗?

烧钱还是脑残 每小时80元的天价网咖你会去吗?

Burn money or brain damage 80 yuan per hour for Internet cafe where would you go?

2016-11-04 11:18:49来源: 新浪

网咖一直以来以轻奢的价格、舒适的环境而备受玩家的喜爱,逐渐在国内的大中小城市全面铺开,而如果一家网咖的价格最便宜也要人均25元/每小时,最贵人均高达80元/每小时的时候你还会选择去这里玩耍吗?即便网咖老板是退役的若风、草莓、微笑。 脏乱差的网吧模式如今基本走到了尽头,网吧业主和业内相...

Internet cafe has been the price of the luxury and comfortable environment with light's players, gradually carried out in domestic medium cities, and if the price of the cheapest at an Internet cafe to 25 yuan/per person per hour, the most expensive per person is as high as 80 yuan/per hour will you still choose to play here? Even if the boss is retired wind cybercafes, strawberry, smile. Considered the basic mode of Internet cafes now come to an end, Internet cafe owner and industry...