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大神工作室厂牌扛鼎超级IP 向上互娱打造云穹世界

Great god studio labels carry tripods super IP up mutual entertainment building YunQiong world

2016-11-03 00:28:25来源: 新浪

以前更多在音乐界流行的“厂牌”概念如今慢慢延伸到文化娱乐界。可以说,依托于互联网一代愈发强势的明星号召力以及粉丝渗透率,网络文学这些曾被归类为小众文学的品类也逐步呈现后起之势。无论是优势的起点大神还是新生代的年轻作者,都已在国内上亿的读者群体里获得了各自较为忠实的拥趸。 10月底,主...

Before more popular concept of "brand" in the music business is now gradually extended to the cultural entertainment. On the Internet, as it were, a generation of increasingly strong fans of star power and permeability, network literature these were classified as small literary category also showed the prominent trend gradually. Advantages of both the starting point of the great god or a new generation of young writers, has been in the domestic hundreds of millions of readers get their more loyal fans. At the end of October, Lord...