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Vigour girl "endless war zone" new hero Lin today online

2016-09-23 00:48:25来源: 新浪

导语:网易3D动作MOBA《无尽战区》今日更新了一位全新英雄:琳。琳是一位支援和控场能力出色的输出型英雄,元气双马尾、超in的铆钉外套,配合上拉风的寒冰色调和技能设计,让这位新英雄无论是视觉感官还是操作手感上都有了全新的突破。 除了让人眼前一亮的英雄设定,琳的背景故事也暗藏了很多线索...

Guide language: netease 3 d action MOBA "endless war zone" update today for a new hero: lynne. Lin is a good support and control ability of the output type of hero, double horsetail, super coat of in rivet, pertaining to the design of ice is tonal and skills in vain, for the new hero both in visual sense and operating feel is a new breakthrough. In addition to let a person shine at the moment of the heroes set, Lynn background story also hide a lot of clues...