新关注 > 信息聚合 > COOLPLAY 11月11-13日厦门等你!

COOLPLAY 11月11-13日厦门等你!

November 11-13 COOLPLAY xiamen waiting for you!

2016-09-21 19:15:33来源: 漫域联播

日本东京电玩展呢? 那么ChinaJoy呢? 我猜ChinaJoy你多半还去过! 光是会场里的 Miss ChinaJoy、迷妹Coser 体感游戏、电竞大赛 简直让人想把家搬过去! 那么现在 厦门也即将迎来这样一场 又酷又好玩的大趴 极致的酷,可劲儿玩 猜猜看 这...

Japan's Tokyo game show? So ChinaJoy? I guess most ChinaJoy you visited! Light is hall, Miss ChinaJoy, seduction Coser body feeling game, e-sports competition Can let a person want to move in the past! So now Xiamen also will soon celebrate such a Cool and funny big lie prone cool to the extreme, for play Can you guess what this...