新关注 > 信息聚合 > 预览:史诗级别地下城以及副本奖励钥石


Preview: Epic dungeon and a copy of the key stone

2016-09-15 13:38:11来源: 多玩游戏

和《德拉诺之王》版本中一样,《军团再临》的地下城也会有三个等级,其难度和奖励各不相同:普通,英雄及史诗。英雄和史诗难度只有在玩家的等级达到110之后才会开放,而史诗难度是无法通过地下城查找器排队进入的。 钥石 从9月22日起,当你完成每周的第一个史诗地下城时,将会奖励一枚地下城的史...

Like "Delano king" version of the Legion "coming" underground city will have three levels, the difficulty and the reward is not the same, ordinary, heroic and epic. Heroes and epic difficulty is only open after the player's level of 110, and epic difficulty is not lined up by the dungeon finder. Key stone from September 22nd onwards, when you complete the weekly first epic dungeon, will reward a history of the underground city...