新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第一视角FPS游戏真人化电影


The first perspective FPS game series film

2016-09-15 17:11:36来源: 中国娱乐网

——《阎罗特攻队》即将上线“守望屁股”指日可待!? 近几年来,军事枪战题材受到影视剧的热捧,同时也成为观众所喜爱的电影类型,任凭主人公在枪林弹雨中热血拼洒,快意恩仇。近日,由北京云幕后出品、年轮映画联合出品的枪战动作题材电影《阎罗特攻队》即将上线。该电影一改之前军事枪战的风格,把人海...

- "the yama attack team" soon "watch" bum "just around the corner! ? In recent years, the military shooting by the film and television play theme, also became one of the audience favorite types of movies, let the hero in the bullets spell sprinkled the blood, the pleasure of life. Recently, produced by Beijing cloud behind the scenes, rings used joint production of a gunfight action movie "underworld attack team" soon ". Before the film to a military shooting style, the sea...

标签: 游戏 PS 电影