新关注 > 信息聚合 > 分析:AR卡牌游戏推动AR时代到来?


Analysis: AR card games to push AR era?

2016-09-15 17:11:36来源: 速途网

1.乘顺风车嫌疑重重 众所周知2016年是VR元年。VR是“风口上的猪”的呼声才稍有平息,比起上一年,更多厂商开始养精蓄锐等待着VR大爆发的到来。AR概念的传播紧随VR身后,其广阔的应用前景成为被众多媒体炒作的最佳选择。所以在这个时间段AR顶多算是VR之后又一头“风口上的猪”,何况这...

1. Take a free ride suspicion It is well known in 2016 is the first year of VR. VR is the call for "pig" on the tuyere, slightly compared with last year, more and more manufacturers begin to rest waiting for the arrival of the VR outbreak. AR the spread of the concept behind in the wake of VR, its broad prospect of application is the best choice for many media hype. So in this time period after AR best VR "pig" on the tuyere, besides this...

标签: 游戏