新关注 > 信息聚合 > 萨尔也要“领便当”? 暴雪总裁退休引发玩家担忧

萨尔也要“领便当”? 暴雪总裁退休引发玩家担忧

Sal is "selling"? Blizzard President retired players concerns

2016-09-15 23:51:15来源: 新浪

近日,暴雪总裁克里斯·梅森宣布退休的消息在游戏界引起轩然大波,成为广大玩家们关注的焦点。梅森大神曾为暴雪旗下的众多的游戏角色配过音,其中就包括了《魔兽世界》里的萨尔及瓦里安。现在,在7.0军团再临资料片中,瓦王已被暴雪强行弄死。网友猜测,随着梅森的退休,萨尔是不是也要“领便当”了呢? ...

Recently, blizzard President Chris mason announced his retirement, the news caused quite a stir in the gaming world, has become the focus of the players. Mason, a great god for a range of blizzard's role with sound, including the world of warcraft sal and varian. 7.0 now, with the coming expansion, wang has been blizzard forced to kill. Netizen speculation, as mason's retirement, sal also be "selling"? ...

标签: 玩家 暴雪