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Drama version of "slightly" starring to deduce a new mix ghost story

2016-09-16 01:26:26来源: 新浪

网易第一玄幻网游《新倩女幽魂》网游,是电视剧《微微一笑很倾城》虚拟世界架构方。不但剧中大部分游戏世界内容原型出自倩女,主角们所玩的游戏角色也来源于倩女,并且拥有自己专属的剧情故事。 也许看到这套剧情长条的你会大跌眼镜——美人师兄和小雨妖妖生死相依?雷神妮妮是欢天喜地的大姑子?如此逆天...

Netease first "new mix spirits" online fantasy online games, is the TV series "the smile is the whole" virtual architecture in the world. Not only the world in which most of the game, the prototype of content from a mix played leading role also come from a mix of game characters, and have their own story. Maybe see this plot of strip you will surprise - beauty brother and light rain YaoYao dependent life and death? The thor nini is happy sister in law? So go...