新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀城市赛杭州站本周开启 南方大区人间天堂

王者荣耀城市赛杭州站本周开启 南方大区人间天堂

King glory city hangzhou station opened this week The southern district of heaven on earth

2016-09-15 18:36:01来源: 4399

自王者荣耀城市赛打响以后,众多激情的玩家纷纷投身参与其中,广州站和南京站的赛况都十分的激烈。而下一站王者荣耀城市赛将在人间天堂---杭州站,究竟比赛时间和报名条件是怎么样的呢,别着急,和4399挽歌一起来看看吧! 上周第二届王者城市赛结束了南方大区“南京站”的比赛,为南京的王者召唤师...

After king glory city race started, many players of passion commitment involved, nanjing and guangzhou station station action is very fierce. And the next king glory city will be in a paradise on earth - hangzhou, what time and what is the application conditions, don't worry, with 4399 elegy and see it! Last week, the second king city game over southern district ", nanjing station "to be the king of the nanjing summoners...

标签: 王者荣耀