新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奥拉星5阶神迹帝卡轻松得


Ora emperor star 5 order sign card easily

2016-09-15 18:21:16来源: 4399

4399奥拉星5阶神迹帝卡轻松得,奥拉星5阶神迹帝卡轻松获得,好机会不容错过,这周记得来玩哦! 活动时间:9月14日起 活动地点:星域之庭 活动奖励:5阶神迹帝卡 小奥拉们进入游戏之后点击游戏场景下方的地图进入地图,找到暑假乐园点击进入,进入之后就可以看到5阶神迹炎王活动啦! ...

4399 ora star 5 order signs emperor card easier, ora star emperor card easily obtain 5 order sign, good opportunity not to be missed, this diary has come to play! Activity time: on September 14 activity location: star domain division activities reward: 5 order sign card Small ora were into the game after click the scene into the map below, find the summer vacation paradise, click to enter into the king inflammation activity can see 5 order after sign! ...